Thursday, October 26, 2006

Continued Studies; 02/21/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


In considering further, the concept of "democracy," I find great comfort in my interpretation and as well find great insights when applying it through observation.

I consider the elements which I know of and as well those that I have discovered through study, and I do so in a comparative manner for this instance. That is to say, I apply insight and observations pertaining to it as I look to modern American cities and how they have developed, for instance - within that perceived mechanism - through out the small amount of time in which such "developments" have taken place.

The initial result upon this applied observation, I find serve to bolster my perspective and even encourage the direction of it in study and consideration. This does so to the degree that such observations and comparative studies (though still somewhat topical), are surely to be in my future.

Topically at this point, I can easily see the following;

Philadelphia; Seems to have progressed in a manner that would suggest the basis of its governing tactic within loose mechanism dubbed "democracy" was and is one of a "pro-active" manner. that is to say that the workings and relationships within it in Philadelphia were and are more "meddlesome" with that mechanism. Meaning it was approached more from "making it" conform to wants, so to speak. "What can be gotten out of it?" as it were. Efforts to make changes more than promote changes in several ways.

I see this as having formed a sort of social smear which has manifested - To describe it in a geometrical term and metaphor, it seems to be "horizontal" and "cyclical" within that pattern of development.

Boston; I see as having developed differently within the same loose mechanism (as I have described my perspective of said workings of "mechanism"), though still within that initial influence as said "loose" social mechanism. I see it as having mainly developed from a "pro-active" motion as well, though within certain "segregation" of that initial mechanism yielding geometrically speaking- more of a "vertical, oblong." I see a large influence from Roman social structures (being "social level segregation"), which tend to interact fairly smoothly while remaining "individual" so to speak, in their "groupings."

I see much of that influence having stemmed from a large Italian and Irish immigrant population. Both being fairly influenced from said Roman ideologies through the Catholic influence, obviously - though just as obviously both carrying differences unique to themselves. This served in my opinion, to add a more pronounced aspect of that Roman structure into the mechanism of "democracy."

This obviously took place after the founding of the city and its initial populous... even and especially after the establishment of that concept of "democracy." Such I see very much as part of the designs in many ways.

When considering New York City; I immediately see the Roman segregation in the larger sense, overlaying and interacting with a more free flowing element "below/within" that. both being within that larger mechanism. It seems to be more of a tiered effect and social motion, combined geometrically speaking (as metaphor) with a horizontal, oblong or spherical shape... "bubbled" so to speak.

In looking at the historic movement of those overlaying "segregations"... a person can see the larger, natural progression within the larger mechanism. The observation of interaction between them, being more an example of the "immediate" motion within that larger mechanism, and underlying it.

Consider the difference in motion, between an "hour hand" on a clock and a "minute hand" on a the same time piece. Both are in motion so to speak... representing various "levels" in this example... but moving at different rates as per "developmental direction and speed."

I look at Detroit; in a topical manner and from this perspective can see the results of the "expansion" elements with the concept and mechanism of "democracy."

This obviously has transpired in a rather horizontal way, garnering social "peaks" around the edges of it as it attempts to continue to progress "outward" from a "center."

This "pattern" if viewed in a time elapsed manner, seems metaphorically to have the characteristics of a "splash" so to speak. While comparatively the New York atmosphere "moves."

The initial "direction" and result of the elemental combinations of the area, within that mechanism (and the electricity/industrial revolution boom) being very nearly "straight upward" geometrically speaking.... reaching an apex and then tumbling back down... thus moving the "social inertia" from "vertical" to another extreme of horizontal and "outward."

This isn't to say that the area has "crashed" or "failed" or anything presumptuous. Only that it has progressed and reacted within that mechanism accordingly it would seem, and according to the elemental components of the area, within the natural inclination and workings of that mechanism we call modern (representative) democracy.

Further, when I choose to mentally combine these examples of hypothetical, social geometric dynamic and shape, the visual becomes rather interesting and lends insight into the larger mechanism itself.. and its potentials.

I must say that I do look forward to further research and study on this mind toy - especially pertaining to the "older" cities within the North American example of said "Third Degree Of Civilization."


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